I am committed to the following issues:
Housing Affordability
Quality of Life
Land Use
Diversity and Inclusion
Creating a Culture of Unity and Safety
Collaborations with our School District
Addressing the Homelessness
A Beautiful and Clean Community for our Taxpayers
Housing Affordability
According to California Associates of Realtors (C.A.R) “There is a minimum annual income of $114,860 was needed to qualify for the purchase of a $545,820 statewide median-priced, existing single-family home in the first quarter of 2019. The monthly payment, including taxes and insurance on a 30-year, fixed-rate loan, would be $2,870, assuming a 20 percent down payment and an effective composite interest rate of 4.62 percent.” Here in Milpitas there are no homes selling at the median price making our city an unaffordable place to live and increasing the homeless population. My pledge would be to ensure that living here in Milpitas is more affordable and generations of family can build their roots here as previous Milpitians have done in the past. The key to accomplishing this is to diligently work with local, state, and federal government to bring about viable solutions.
Diversity and Inclusion
Milpitas has always sought diversity in fact we have been at the forefront of such actions. A great example of this city’s leadership is the integration of Sunnyhills as seen in the documentary 54’ this is a legacy that must be preserved. We as a city must emphasize inclusion based on diversity of thought, culture, race, ethnicity, religion, disabilities, spiritual beliefs, and generational needs. Today this is very important because if we do not put into daily practice these attributes, we disenfranchise one another and our city. As one of your council members, my focus will be on inclusion and diversity.
Creating a Culture of Unity
A brilliant leader can establish a governmental culture that diminishes politics, confusion, and adversity within the team. The first step to establishing such a culture is to be united behind the vision of our city, which must be defined by the citizens. To achieve the required goals of Milpitas there must be harmony, understanding, and a willingness to listen to each stake holder input. These are attributes I have spent many years developing as a talent and skill to be employed in the service of our city.
Quality of Life
Here in Milpitas the aim is to live a life of worth, which consist of economic, social, and environmental practices that allow for a meaningful life now and into the future. Therefore, my goal will be to address environmental conditions that impact human fitness, well-being, and other significant aspects of the human condition. These conditions include population, transportation, and pollution. I understand that quality of life issues speaks to folks' beliefs about their position in life as it relates to one’s values, culture, and prospects for a healthy exists.
Collaborations with our School District
My collaboration with Milpitas schools and the school district has been phenomenal. I am proud to say that all three of my children graduate from Milpitas. Within the last twenty years I have established a grassroot organization called Flame Keeper’s. This group focus on student achievement, especially concerning our students of color and the achievement gap. The motivation is to invite each one to strengthen the other regardless of color or creed as well as develop an appreciation for our differences. When we as a community come together to publicly support the goals and practices of one another we become more united. This unity ushers in collaboration that goes towards greater achievement. Once, I am one of your council members the effort will be placed on common goals, ideas, skills, and experiences.
Land Use
Land use development consists of planning. Therefore, it is the procedure of evaluating and classification of future land uses. The core intent of planning is to allot land uses that preserve the future of the city. My goal as a city council member would be to ensure three things with the planning process efficiency, equity, and sustainability. This would allow for a projection of expansion as well as a mandate for jobs, housing, and services to meet expected growth. The immediate concern is to ensure that resources and affordability exist to support the growing city for example schools, grocery stores, and parking.